1. Set a Quit Date and sign the No-Smoking Contract.
Choose a date within the next seven days when you'll quit smoking. Complete and sign the No-Smoking Contract in front of witnesses who will support you. Use the time until your Quit Day to prepare and to gradually cut down on the number of cigarettes you smoke.
2. Choose a method for quitting.
There are three ways to quit smoking. Choose the method or combination you think will work best for you.
A. "Cold turkey": Just stop smoking all at once on your Quit Day. This method doesn't prolong the quitting process.
B. Reduce the number of cigarettes you smoke each day until you stop smoking completely. For example, if you smoke 20 cigarettes each day now, cut down to 10 per day for two or three days. Then cut down to five cigarettes for two or three days. On your Quit Day, stop smoking completely.
C. Smoke only part of each cigarette. It helps to count how many puffs you take from each cigarette and reduce the number every two or three days. On your Quit Day, stop smoking completely.
3. Decide if you need medicines.
4. Plan for your Quit day.
5. Stop smoking on your Quit day.
Congratulate yourself for taking a huge step toward better health!
As soon as you quit, your blood circulation increases, your blood pressure and heart rate quickly improve and the carbon monoxide and oxygen levels in your blood soon return to normal.